Agreement to Complete a Job, Agreement to Perform Work

Looking for a flexible employment solution? Agreement to Complete a Job or a Agreement to Perform Work allow you to set up your collaboration to suit your needs when full-time employment and an employment contract are not required. It also includes a mandatory information document according to Section 77a of the Labour Code.

Price: from 16 000 CZK + VAT 

I want to help with the agreements

The main advantages of setting up part-time job agreements with us

  • More flexible working hours

    On the basis of the agreement to complete a job, an employee can work up to 300 hours per year, while for the agreement to perform work the limit is half of the weekly working time (i.e. 20 hours per week, which is calculated as an average).

  • Understandable terms and conditions

    Our agreements are written clearly and concisely so that you and your employee are aware of all the terms of cooperation.

  • Protection of rights and confidentiality

    We will ensure that the agreement includes often-neglected points such as confidentiality and copyright protection if the employee's job requires it.

“Great communication, professionalism, friendliness, and a friendly atmosphere - that's how we would define our cooperation in a few words.“

Jakub Henni, Co-founder & CEO @ Nesně s.r.o.

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How do we prepare FTE and FTE agreements for you?
  • Meet
  • Think
  • Get ready
  • Finalize

We need to know the basic conditions under which the relationship between you and the employee should work: what activities the contractual employee will perform, to what extent and for how long.

We are looking into other details that could be important to the deal. We will focus on specifics relating to confidentiality, remuneration and copyright.

We have an agreement on the table that reflects everything that is important to you. We put an emphasis on clarity, so that both parties understand the document.

However, we are not finished with the presentation of the agreement. We anticipate questions and revisions that may come from the employee, but also possible negotiations.

Contact us if you need agreements

Who will take care of you
David Šupej
PartnerEmployment LawSoftware law
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