Software law
26.02.2025 | Pavel Čech
Smluvní podmínky pro SaaS: Na co si dát pozor a jak je nastavit správně
Máte byznys postavený na mobilní nebo webové aplikaci a tápete, jak nastavit smluvní podmínky? Nejste sami. Dobré podmínky pro SaaS jsou klíčem k transparentním vztahům s klienty, ochraně vašeho podnikání a zároveň vedou...
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Case Study
21.02.2025 | Pavel Čech
How we helped Forendors with rebranding
There comes a time in the life of a business when you find that your name no longer serves you as it should. Maybe it's too similar to another brand, maybe it's mispronounced, or maybe it's simply holding you back from growing. Whatever...
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Personal data
13.02.2025 | Jiří Hradský
10 responsibilities to watch out for when setting up a CCTV system
Cameras can be found everywhere today - in stores, businesses, offices, schools and even in homeowners' associations (HOAs). They protect property, enhance security or monitor traffic. However, setting up cameras does not end with the...
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Case Study
07.02.2025 | Pavel Čech
Yarmill: How to get legal-safe data for AI assistant
Yarmill is an app developed in the Czech Republic - a professional training diary and data platform for sports associations and teams. In order to increase the competitiveness of Czech athletes, our client Yarmill embarked on a joint...
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05.02.2025 | Jiří Hradský
NIS 2 in sight: what is the current situation for the IT sector?
Probably one of the most significant regulations expected in 2025 is NIS 2. The new cybersecurity rules will bring many changes. The biggest one will be the number of entities that will be affected by the new regulation. The estimate is...
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Software law
22.01.2025 | Lukáš Slavník
Up to 10 million crowns. First fines for P2B violations in the Czech Republic
The European Union seems to have no brake on spewing  regulations to keep up with the digital world. Its P2B regulation (Platform to Business) aims to tackle unfair business practices on the internet and set fair and transparent rules....
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