Taking good care of people is a big responsibility. Having every clause of the Labour Code in your grasp, knowing how to work with ESOPs, what GDPR is and how to set up collaboration with outsourcers - we're great at this.
Let's talk it overAť už vyjednáváte s odbory, nebo jste začínající podnikatel, vaše pracovně-právní potřeby nás nezaskočí. Postaráme se o HR audit, ale i o důkladný pracovní Due Diligence.
Tens of thousands of employers are subject to Labour Inspectorate inspections every year, so why take unnecessary risks in the roulette wheel. We'll set the rules for working with contractors to keep you in the clear.
We help employers prepare for the future. The Gender Pay Gap Directive will bring a number of new developments in 2026 and there's no time to waste. We know that fortune favours the prepared.
We will prepare contracts with contractors to help you ensure legal collaboration.
I'm interestedWe will prepare a privacy policy and other documents that meet the requirements of the GDPR.
I'm interestedA clear employment contract that meets all the legal requirements and includes some of the goodies.
I'm interestedWe will help you implement an internal whistleblowing system as required by law, while providing training for the relevant person.
I'm interestedGevorg Avetisjan, Founder @ MARLENKA international s.r.o.