11.03.2025 Václavské nám. 818/45, Praha 1
HR REvoluce 2025
How are talent scouting, compensation and incentive programs changing as the new Generation Z enters the workforce? Terms such as work-life balance, flexible working hours or 100% remote are increasingly being bandied about not only among employees but...
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19.03.2025 Charvátova 10/39, 110 00 Praha
Tech Execs Community Brunch
Join us for an inspiring brunch full of networking, great food and interesting discussions. Whether you're a seasoned tech leader or an ambitious newcomer heading to the top, this event is the perfect opportunity to meet industry peers, share...
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19.03.2025 Strašnická 3165/1b, Praha 10
Specific situations in real estate brokerage
The real estate market is not just about simple deals. Occasionally, situations arise that require deeper knowledge and a specific approach. How to proceed when selling a property in foreclosure or insolvency? What to do if the seller is a minor? And...
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03.04.2025 ONLINE
Vady nemovitostí a jejich řešení
Téma vad nemovitostí je dnes aktuálnější než kdy dřív. Ceny nemovitostí raketově rostou a s nimi i očekávání kupujících – ti logicky chtějí, aby...
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10.04.2025 ONLINE
Pracovní smlouva prakticky
Máte pracovní smlouvy nastavené tak, aby vám dávaly maximální flexibilitu a právní jistotu? V praxi stále narážíme na smlouvy, které zaměstnavatelům...
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