Debt recovery

If a customer owes you money and your attempts to recover the debt are unsuccessful, contact us instead. A pre-claim notice has a better chance of success, and if even that doesn't work, an attorney will file a lawsuit for you and represent you in court. 

Price: from 5 000 CZK + VAT

I need help with debt recovery

The main advantages of working with us in debt recovery

  • Greater value

    Notices from an attorney have a much higher success rate. A large number of pre-claim notices end with voluntary payment or a repayment agreement.

  • Experience

    We have recovered thousands of debts for our clients. We therefore know what documents are needed to start court proceedings and how to act in court to maximise the chances of success.

  • Cooperating bailiff

    Even if a lawsuit is won, there is no guarantee that the debtor will pay the amount. For these cases, we cooperate with a bailiff who ensures the recovery for us.

“I really appreciate the human, informal approach and the ability to explain things in a clear and understandable way.“

Client, help in civil law

Clients who are satisfied with us
How does cooperation in debt recovery work?
  • Analyse
  • Get ready
  • Lawsuit

We will review the documentation you have on the claim to assess your chances of success in a legal recovery and request additional information from you if necessary.

As a pre-claim notice is often successful and is also a condition for the court to award costs, we will prepare a pre-claim notice inviting the debtor to pay the debt.

If even a pre-claim notice does not result in payment, we will prepare a claim and represent you throughout the legal proceedings. If the debt is not paid even afterwards, we will ensure the recovery of the awarded claim.

Contact us if you need help with a debt recovery

Who will take care of you
Roman Tomek
PartnerCivil law
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