Would you like to register your name of your company or product as a trademark? Why is registering a trademark the right solution to unpleasant situations, what to prepare in advance and how can we help you?
Price of legal services: depending on the type of trademark and the scope of the research from CZK 14,000 + VAT (we will prepare a customized quote for you).
You have a great name for your new product, and it took you a while to find the right one. You also used services of a graphic designer to create the logo and spent considerable amount on that. But your competitor is trying to copycat your brand - he created a similar name, imitated your logo and places it on similar products.
You are therefore afraid that customers will confuse your product with that of a competitor. Then you find out that your competitor has registered an imitation of your brand as a trademark! Now you have no choice but to prove that you came up with your brand earlier than the competitor (if the country in question actually protects unregistered marks. If not, it can mean bad luck for you).
How to avoid this unpleasant scenario? The best way to prevent such situations is to register your trademark early.