Supplier management

NIS2 and the upcoming Cybersecurity Act place even greater emphasis on the security and management of contractor services. We will set internal rules for evaluating and managing contractors and look at contract compliance together. 

Price from 20 000 CZK + VAT 

I want a consultation

Benefits of evaluating and managing suppliers with us

  • Expertise

    We are part of, where we work with leading technology partners to determine compliance with NIS2 and other regulations.

  • Wide shot

    We have been involved in contractual documentation for nuclear power plants, state authorities and fintech startups operating in the financial market.

  • We have a word

    We're talking about cybersecurity. Together with partners, we organize NIS2 meetups across the country. The media also gives us a voice.

    Jiří talks about NIS2 in a podcast for Ekonom

“What I like about the work of my colleagues at SEDLAKOVA LEGAL is that they specialize in IT / security law and that they approach clients and their requirements individually and responsibly.“

Martin Konečný, CEO @ s.r.o.

More companies that are satisfied with us
  • eosecurity
  • safetica
How to collaborate on supplier management
  • Discuss
  • Set up
  • Get ready

Nejprve se budeme ptát. Máte dobře nastavené smlouvy se svými dodavateli? Splňují přísné podmínky a náležitosti vyžadované právními předpisy?

Nastavíme vám interní pravidla, včetně checklistu bezpečnostních opatření, pro hodnocení vašich dodavatelů a společně se podíváme i na správnost smluv.

Nachystáme vám jednoduchou vzorovou dokumentaci, která zabezpečí, že budete s dodavateli uzavírat vždy ty správně nastavené smluvní podmínky.

Get in touch if you want help with managing contractors

Who will take care of you
Jiří Hradský
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