Efektivní distribuční smlouvy vám pomohou dostat váš software nebo produkt ke koncovým zákazníkům. Ať už potřebujete partnerské, affiliate nebo distribuční smlouvy, máme pro vás řešení, které vás dostane na nové trhy.
Cena: od 25 000 Kč + DPH
Chci distribuční smlouvuDistribuční smlouva vám umožní kontrolovat podmínky prodeje, cenu a kvalitu služeb poskytovaných vašimi partnery či distributory.
Smlouva vyjasní role a odpovědnosti mezi vámi a vašimi partnery, včetně zákaznické podpory a souladu s místními předpisy.
S našimi affiliate a partnerskými smlouvami nastavíte spravedlivé a motivující provize, které podpoří dlouhodobou spolupráci a rozvoj vašeho podnikání.
Petr Hubeňák, Business Support @ Applifting s.r.o.
Whether you're looking for help drafting a distribution, partnership or other agreement, or just need a consultation to choose the right model, we're here for you.
We've had several satisfied partners that we've helped get their products out into the world. We have extensive experience in contract negotiations and know where the biggest risks are and can even advise you on how to optimize your business.
Price: from 25 000 CZK + VAT
The contract regulates the principles and procedures for selling and marketing your products and finding new opportunities for cooperation. It takes into account regulatory requirements, international overlap and other specifics of your product. It also considers customer support and problem solving - after all, a happy customer is the foundation of everything.
And that's our motto.
Describe your ideas for a distribution model to us. What activities do you want to keep under your control and what activities would you like to leave to a partner. For example, do you know where the distribution will take place? And what are the specifics of the local market?
Once we have your idea, we will take the initiative. We'll start asking you questions that will point you in the right direction. We'll discuss the assumptions and implications of each decision with you so you know what you're getting into. And so that nothing surprises you.
We'll provide you with a clear and simply written distribution agreement that you and your partners will understand. The contract will hold you up in all respects, so you can get on with the business and not get bogged down with the legal aspects. We will provide you with insight into the legal issues involved (GDPR, liability, tax) with the option to consult and incorporate these into the contract documentation.
You will also receive explanations and tips from us for the correct use of the contract in the future. And above all, you will get a reliable partner for negotiating individual terms and conditions for specific partners.