Profesionální revize smlouvy a efektivní vyjednávání podmínek vám pomohou minimalizovat rizika a zajistí úspěšné uzavření obchodu. Spolehněte se na naše odborné znalosti a léta zkušeností s vyjednáváním a dosáhněte bezpečné smlouvy.
Cena: naceníme po obdržení smlouvy
Potřebuji revizi smlouvyOdhalíme skrytá rizika ve smlouvě, která mohou ovlivnit váš projekt, a navrhneme úpravy, které minimalizují jejich dopad.
Jak hodnotit rizika ve smlouvěPomůžeme vám při vyjednávání smlouvy, abyste dosáhli co nejvýhodnějších podmínek bez ohrožení obchodního vztahu.
Revidovanou smlouvu upravíme tak, abyste se mohli spolehnout, že její znění vám nezpůsobí potíže v budoucnosti.
Petr Hubeňák, Business Support @ Applifting s.r.o.
In the case of revisions of contract documentation, the price is set according the hourly rate, as there is a difference between revising a short donation contract and a purchase contract for the sale of an office building.
However, we will always tell you a fixed price for the revision before we start the work, so you will always know where you stand.
The goal is to have a contract at the end that even though it has been prepared by the opposite side, you don't have to be afraid to sign. Therefore, we always point out the risks of the original wording, which we will also assess for you according to their degree, from the most serious to the most minor.
After the risk assessment, we will sit down with you and discuss which risks are acceptable and where adjustments need to be made. Don't worry, we don't just "chuck" the decision at you, we will always give you a recommendation.
We then send the contract back to the drafter (with revisions and comments to speed up the process) and then work with you to negotiate the best possible compromise until the contract is approved.
We can't do without the contract you want to revise. If the contract contains attachments, we will need these from you as well. Many people think that the attachments aren't important, but the opposite is often true and revising a contract without documenting the attachments is very dangerous.
We will also need your opinion on the individual risks of the contract so that we can best tailor it to your expectations.
A revised contract that you don't have to worry about causing you more problems than benefits in the future. However, we are also not afraid to advise you not to sign the contract if the other party does not agree to revisions that eliminate the most significant risks of the whole deal.
So if we believe the contract is not secure enough, we will tell you.