Protect your name, logo or product by registering a trademark. We'll guide you through the entire process simply, clearly and without unnecessary paperwork, so you can be sure your brand is safe.
from 7 000 CZK + VAT (Czech trademark)
from 14 000 CZK + VAT (European Union trademark)
Registering a trademark gives you exclusive rights to use your name or logo and protects you from competitors who would try to parasitise your brand.
Get started with brand protection with usWe will take care of all the administration - from choosing the right registration to submitting the application. We will also take care of the trademark monitoring so that you are informed in time about possible threats.
More on trademark registrationIf you want to register a European trade mark, we can arrange a grant of up to 75% of the administrative fees.
Tomáš Nakládal, Co-founder & COO @ We travel the world s.r.o.
Contact us so we can arrange a short initial consultation to discuss what your trademark should look like and where you want to register it.
Based on the information you provide, we will prepare a price offer for the registration of the trademark in the Czech Republic, EU or other regions.
After agreeing on the price offer, we will arrange the various steps needed before, during and after the registration of the mark to ensure that your brand is well protected.
Once successfully registered, we will monitor trademark to ensure you can respond promptly to potential threats from competitors.